Adding Macros

Wowdesk's Macros page is where you can view and update your Wowdesk Macros .

To access the macros page:

1. From your left main menu, select Admin.


2. From the Admin menu select Macros .

3. on the macros page click Add .

4.  in macro name filed, type your macro name , you can type description also .

5. you can control you macro to make it active and not active .

6. you can control who can use your macro using Available for.

      a. you can control which user can use your macro .


      b. you can control which user group can use your macro .


       c. you can control which  organization unit can use your macro .


        d.  you can control which  user who has rule can use your macro .


7. Available actions in the system .

8. You can apply multiple actions.

9. when you done, Click Save and close.

This macro is now available throughout Wowdesk